Website Audit Company

Broken links. Slow downloads. Ineffective navigation. Obsolete content. Non-existent landing pages. Missing or inaccurate title tags and meta descriptions. Misa-aligned staff and vendors. These are just some of things that can compromise digital marketing performance — and alienate prospects, customers, and partners as a result.

Identify opportunities for cost savings, increased ROI, and competitive superiority with a comprehensive website audit and digital strategy roadmap from East Coast Catalyst.
(To learn more about East Coast Catalyst capabilities in the area of website and digital audits, contact Tim Bourgeois at 617-517-0066 or

As spending on digital projects has skyrocketed in recent years, corporate websites and digital marketing programs have grown quickly and often become unwieldy, inefficient, and vulnerable to competition. The Website Audit by East Coast Catalyst was designed to fix this problem, and provide management teams with recommendations that:

Online business

Online business

  • Save Money: reduce waste and achieve cost savings through best-in-class hosting and vendor selection, and staff assignments
  • Optimize ROI: design useful reporting and measurement protocols that quantify performance through conversion tracking and straightforward ROI metrics
  • Beat the Competition: detailed planning roadmaps from ECC provide clients with clear strategies for developing and maintaining superior websites that are differentiated from competitors

Websites are typically the cornerstone of complex digital marketing operations that are managed by a combination of full-time staff and vendors. Consider all of the components:

  • Advertising & Promotion: digital media (search, display / banners, classified, mobile, digital video, lead generation, sponsorships), organic search marketing, content marketing, social media, email marketing
  • Websites: copy, images, video / animation, landing pages, microsites, customized experiences, search, live chat, blogs
  • Technology: marketing automation, content management, analytics, and data management
  • Vendors: even mid-sized digital marketing operations often have 10+ vendors involved in maintenance and optimization

Who needs a Website Audit?

Any senior executive who has a vested interest in an organization’s digital marketing performance is a candidate for this service. Our clients cluster around the following executive types:

  • Boards of Directors entrusted by shareholders to guide companies through digital transformation
  • CEOs who are increasingly dependent on digital strategies for corporate performance
  • CFOs benchmarking their company’s performance and ROI against the competition
  • Business Unit Executives conducting strategic planning
  • CMOs who are setting budgets and requesting increases
  • Entrepreneurs who need to identify cost-effective digital marketing options
  • Investors who are evaluating new ventures in marketing technology and digital advertising

Download a free copy of the ECC ‘Website Audit Checklist’ here.

What are the Benefits?

A website audit uncovers opportunities for cost savings AND performance optimization.

  • Objective and independent analysis from an experienced firm with complete objectivity and zero financial conflicts
  • A comprehensive digital marketing framework for organizing resources, measuring performance, and understanding the digital media and marketing ecosystem
  • Competitor and best-practice benchmarking to guide resource allocation and set expectations across the organization
  • A digital marketing strategy roadmap for corporate planning, execution, and organizational alignment

Why East Coast Catalyst?

East Coast Catalyst (ECC) is an independent, privately-held digital consulting firm. Our founders are senior practitioners with decades of hands-on experience in digital strategy and marketing, digital media, and web technology — working for globally recognized brands, respected middle market companies, and start-ups. ECC is also the founder and operator of Chief Digital Officer (, a growing community of senior professionals focused on the the intersection of strategy, marketing, technology and innovation. The outcomes of a website audits are based on structured analysis, years of experience, and the unique requirements of our clients; we believe this objective and non-partisan approach is unique in the marketplace, and we therefore have no financial interest in digital vendors or technologies that could be perceived to affect our strategic guidance. For more information, please visit

Further Reading

Digital Marketing Audit Strategies for Chief Marketing Officers

Auditing Digital Marketing (Part III): Vendor Management

Auditing Digital Marketing (Part II): Promotion

Auditing Digital Marketing (Part I): Infrastructure & Applications